Thursday, May 22, 2014


In a series of disappointments lies the beast of repentance.
Bellowing as loud as any before him
Reducing himself to a mewling kitten,
Searching for his mother's teet.
His warnings echo not through past references.
He minds not the redundancy,
that is so obvious.
Even stubborn creatures call for help.
What a word "help" is.

It's like things.
It's like a dirty cali.
It's an unsung man.
It's all the it's in an off color bucket.
Sensing and absorbing
through levels and byways.

Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Las Vegas!!!!

Marriages can end anywhere,  no sense of borders.
People can live anywhere,  they know the city limits.
Or the sense of walls and what is held within them.
Ask the last people to live in my home.
They'll tell you its true.


Wow!  It's becoming silly.
Tiresome is waiting for arts to become
the forefront.
Medicine made to medicate our own passions.
We're relying on a self reliance that shouldn't
be defined in the first place.
Oh! Have they turned our eyes outward
instead of inward or upward?
Children will weep for ages to come.
Dare you call me a cynic?
I, a child of God who bears as much
witness as you?
I once wrote a song.
Mediocre at best.
It taught me one thing though.
We must express ourselves.
Freedom is a word but if you truly
understand it, you can move mountains.
This connection that is a gift,
is also our downfall.
We're like blundering babiez.
We're like typical similies and
over used metaphors.
We're like the word like.
Wow its becoming redundant!
We can regard our documentaries
without a shred of real action.
We can know "secrets" but
still we must be reminded.
God help us all....