Wednesday, December 17, 2008

My Wife

Many days we've seen this world.
Together, never as far apart as most.
Remembering lesser stones and hills receiving your praise.

Last time I spoke to the masses my speech had more to do
with her than having to do with nothing.

I speak to you and them as so the you is given more importance.

She is an absolute truth, even if her ocean may sometimes drown me.
A fire will be needing quenching and help to burn in equal balance.

I remember and there was knowing that there was a you swimming
amongst imagination and other loud minds but not
knowing exactly who you'd be this time.
I'm assured that you have been the nurturer of my existences.
Even if it didn't involve the children we've had.

I fought her and I won.
She or her as I call her on blind days.
Maybe moments... feels like days.
Vision returns after and I would pluck out her eyes.

You are many cliches but the one that makes you a goddess is
that you are a human.
That you complete me.
That I'd die without you.
These words repeated by many lovers could not
hold as much passion and truth when I say them.
There hasn't even been enough poems and songs to venerate you.

If you in your life, if in the next, you people encounter
no shine, no bright fields.
Just dry bibles of restrained love, then keep on
dying till you find her.

Tuesday, December 16, 2008


La vida no me culpara porque cai tan duro.
En un instante me acidente contra un color,
un color mas rojo, mas brillante que mi rojo.
Sabes yo recuerdo visualizar que existes antes de que
entraste a mi vida.
Yo sere el que conquista tus temores, te envuelvo
en un millon de barreras contra el mal.
Yo que andaba en un camino.
No te tenia en vista pero escuche que me hablabas de lejos.
Cuando vi tu mano tocando tu oreja, yo queria ser esa mano.
Yo queria ser el hombre que cambia tu vida por lo bien.
Para darte tus alas, ayudarte exprimir hasta la ultima gota de tus pasiones.
Tus ideas convertiran las mias para yo poder lograrlas contigo.
En este momento en que te escribo esto me siento perdido,
ahogado en tantas emociones y palabras que te quiero
Aventarte esas toneladas de flores a tus pies.
Es como que sintiera explosiones atomicas en
mi pecho cada vez que imagino tu rostro.
En muchas maneras quisiera ser tu padre para
siempre guiarte y aconsejarte.
Quisiera ser tu hermano para que entiendas que somos iguales.
Quisiera ser tu amigo para que siempre confies en mi y te diviertas conmigo.
Quisiera ser tu amante para hipnotizarte con
nuestras sesiones de amor
Y mas que nada tu marido para pasar la vida juntos.
Seremos dos viejitos, agarrados de las manos,
viendo el sol caer en nuestras vidas.


A travez de esa pantalla.
A travez de la distancia.
A travez de curiosidades que no tienen respuesta.
Pues ahi estas tu.
Un joven que busca su padre atravez de los sabios.
De los otros hombres que nada mas te saben querer.
Como el y mas.
Mas en otras formas.
Con mas caricias y una sincronizacion que encela
la harmonia del sol y de la luna.
Me preguntaba, que tan grueso es el vidrio que nos separa?
Que tan lejos alcansan esos suspiros y esos pensamientos
que llevan besos?
Si las ganas me matan, podre yo demostrarlo?
Una sed que yo tengo, ya se que para ti
es algo que se merece compartir
Pero no te lo pido, que subas a mi nivel.
Pero que si esta sed te la llego a compartir
no la titules incomodidad, si no algo que tu tambien
tienes el coraje para vencer.
Algo tan sencillo.
Toma, tu dirias.
Pero no es tan senicllo.
Deja sostener tu necedad con mis brazos.
A ver si retengo tus sentimientos asi.
Que se me mete por el cuerpo,
absorbiendose por mi piel.
Hijo mio no llores.
Sere 3 padres para ti, uno para cada
vez que se retuerze tu infancia.
Sere 10 padres de ti y un amante sin desprecio y prejuicio.
Uno que podras tocar a travez de la pantalla.


In a false hope, so entirely whole,
in itself, being there only two possibilities to be achieved.
Ceremony is a most lacking quality under the circumstances.
Don't bind me to it, said the maiden in distress.
For the tolerance of mad egos comes only from a true foundation of love.
The fortress roots of the god given tree.
Picture this... a mountain path, a desert wind, truly, truly.
Such is the concept.
I eternally wish away the fetish that is sabotage.
Can it be pure?
Is it even known to any man?
The flakes that fall from the ever present storm are not
there for your enjoyment, but are.
The ceremony of myself to all this is patience and even then
too many of my friends have been sacrificed
to the must of my purple inferno.
I apologize for nothing except to remain
unselfish in my quest for a consort.


I will always bring flowers to the grave that is my love life.


La otra parte de Ser tiene mucho que haber con tarantellas,
que son la fornicacion mas que nada.
Quien se dejara vivir en tormenta?
Cuando a la vez corres el riesgo de quedar moribundo.
Sin rechazo superficial que a la vez corre
sin negarse el presentimiento
que suena en los corazones petrificados.

Time Limit

The highest opinion of oneself peaks like only never.
Anymore negative messages almost the likeness of any mores.
I, I, I is the greatest part.
There is no riddle just simple truths.
Positively, I am the embodiment of light as we all are.
The reckoning of that, is we need to discover that dissipation
is an emotional drowning in our mind.
Nothing more , nothing less.
Who feels the pain of more, of holocaust, of the isolation of war,
more than the livestock, the poultry?
Why is?
I, I, I love the times when we could speak egotistically
and not be jealous of each other.
Who is the one who hushes, who steals away the seconds
that we could have shared.
Take this from me and let the pendulum fall to the
depths of the desert in our ocean.

Big Balls

My jurisdiction was constrained to
perimeters that not only consume
me with anger but has
inflicted irrational amounts of pain.
There may be then, an assumption
that I am stupid.
Sincerely, I plead for understanding
on many points, this is not what it seems.
I am the rebel inside myself, at this time.
No denying
No boundaries.
How aesthetically correct.
The notion of freedom is
a extreme expression of a
hateful poem or rambunctious cuss words.
Lined up in the barrel and shot out
of the mouth of our American youth.

Dont ask me.....

It was pointed out to me
at a very young age,
7 or so...
Blatant as it would seem
I got beat.

Cry Baby

Regardless of the furthermore inside our bellies,
retaliate only to the fullest,
if you're ready.
Only time will tell you the goodbyes you long for.
I refrain from saying names because it
always ends up hurting.
One thing I never am is jealous.
I knew the same girl once.
Her heart bled.
The romance of her movie was not
received lightly by the critics.
I among them, since we were both empty.

Furthermore, let's begin with
the word contradiction.
I left behind some point that's arguable.
How many times can the
fuzzy wuzzy was a bear woodchuck wood.
Was he?
That will always be the point.

Centro America

Pero en la torre de las lenguas mas finas,
la corriente te lleva a personalidades
que no concuerdan con la realidad.
Nicaragua no es palabra que
fluye en todas las lenguas.

Drunken Missionary

He wasn't needy in any way of spiritual paths.
Amidst the forest, the two trees that represented
the fertility and infertility of the Earth.
He stared at nature's topless towers
until the night touched the tips of transcending
his plains of plenitude and bareness to higher realms.
Surrounded in a definition.
Flooded was he in his colorful aura.
I felt no strength.
His trees would sing to him and didn't pay.
I journeyed with him on occasion.
His teachings were useful in bushels.
There in his story he spoke of the Lazarus in
the temple of personal higher-selves.


Redundant speech brings nothing
but the eternal headaches of
Deuteronomy or Leviticus.
Utter little words to the bringers of
rough tongues on the move.
Slanderous is the seduction of
the terminated men of antiquity.
I know a lot of the masses
don't think for themselves.
Dogma donates itself to us
more than truth does.
Like children we must be ready.

Monday, December 15, 2008

Modern Times

the new century is
to my dislike,
from a mother board
of Greek revival in a
postmodern contemporary industrial space age
of madness and constipation.

Sunday, December 14, 2008

of words

In terms we speak
and sometimes without constraint
measured maybe, calculated always
but as terms know each other ,
and not in the social party scene way,
they graze shoulders and bump heads
twirling themselves in fighting embraces
to exit the mouth of the ages.
Leaning our definitions to one side
chasing them in their repose
hoping to catch them off guard
wanting completely to take the credit
for the very existence of the word
conceited maybe, selfish always
We are not liable but god how we are responsible